Cortex Datasets
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Transcriptomic Analysis of Rat Brain Following Exposure to the Organophosphonate Anticholinesterase Sarin
Species: ratSamples: 335Factors: 14 -
Transcription profiling of rat brain tissue samples from cocaine-treated and saline-treated control animals
Species: ratSamples: 10Factors: 2 -
Comparison of total and polyribosome-associated mRNA levels in male Fmr1 KO mice and male WT littermates
Species: mouseSamples: 24Factors: 2 -
Dicer deficiency reveals microRNAs predicted to control gene expression in developing adrenal cortex [array]
Species: mouseSamples: 16Factors: 2 -
Differential Expression of Ove26(Diabetic) vs FVB(Nondiabetic) mice
Species: mouseSamples: 7Factors: 3 -
Differential gene expression in prefrontal cortex from mice subject to social threat vs. control
Species: mouseSamples: 4Factors: 1Tags: cortex, prefrontal cortex