Datasets for Human
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Displaying datasets 101 - 110 of 3035 in total.
Characterization of colon cancer cells: a functional approach characterizing CD133 as a potential stem cell marker
Species: humanSamples: 15Factors: 7 -
Characterization of differential gene expression in adrenocortical tumors harbouring β-catenin (CTNNB1) mutations.
Species: humanSamples: 8Factors: 3Tags: adenomas -
Characterization of Formaldehyde's Genotoxic Mode of Action by Gene Expression Analysis in TK6 Cells
Species: humanSamples: 120Factors: 2 -
Characterization of osteogenic differentiation and gene expression profile of multiple miliary osteoma cutis
Species: humanSamples: 10Factors: 1 -
Charaterization of the initial molecular events of adipose tissue development and growth during overfeeding in humans
Species: humanSamples: 38Factors: 3Tags: adipose tissue -
Children's Oncology Group Study 9906 for High-Risk Pediatric ALL
Species: humanSamples: 207Factors: 18