Insulin Datasets
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Unacylated Ghrelin Rapidly Modulates Lipogenic and Insulin Signaling Pathway Gene Expression in Metabolically Active Tissues of GHSR Deleted Mice
Species: mouseSamples: 12Factors: 1Tags: adipose tissue, central, genome, glucose, hormone, insulin, lipid, liver, muscle, white adipose tissue -
Visceral obesity in murine pregnancy
Species: mouseSamples: 20Factors: 2Tags: adipocyte, adipose tissue, body, estrogen, fetus, glucose, glucose intolerance, insulin, late pregnancy, macrophage, obesity -
Multi-tissue, selective PPARγ modulation of insulin sensitivity and metabolic pathways in obese rats
Species: ratSamples: 54Factors: 3 -
Gene expression changes in aortas of db/db versus control db/+ mice
Species: mouseSamples: 5Factors: 1 -
Gene expression changes in aortas of mice on high fat versus regular chow diet.
Species: mouseSamples: 6Factors: 1 -
Transcription profiling by array of mice after in utero undernutrition and/or undernutrition during suckling
Species: mouseSamples: 14Factors: 1 -
Transcription profiling of mouse CD1 wild types or induced diabetic littermates treated with human insulin and rat glucokinase
Species: mouseSamples: 25Factors: 3Tags: insulin